At Powerland Equipment Inc. we are always searching for the “best of the best” and as we have a large contracting division we can test out new products that we think have potential before offering them to you. It’s easy for a manufacturer to tell you how durable their product is but we will know how they hold up in the long term.

Most of the rotary flex-wing mowers that we have purchased were designed as an agricultural mower, for the function they were designed for they were fine. We have had flex-wing mowers from 5 different manufacturers in sizes 10 feet to 26 feet. The number of blades go a long way to give the quality of cut that airfields look for. Most flex-wing mowers have two blades on the main deck, and two blades on each of the wings. Powerland did find a 26 feet mower with 4 blades on each wing and we were very happy with the improved cut and appearance.

But we never say, “that’s good enough”. We are always looking for the “Best of the Best” and we are proud to announce that we have found the “Best of the Best”.

We know we have the best boom mower in the world with the Bomford range and how ironic to find the best airfield mower at a factory just a few miles from the Bomford factory!

The Spearhead Multicut 820 is 27 feet wide with a mind blowing 30 blades!

This is what we can tell you about this airfield mower: The quality of cut is excellent with no windrows of cut material to encourage insects to live. Because you know that insects attract birds! And you do not want that! Because of the cutting width and the number of blades you can now mow wider and faster, reducing your time on the airfield reducing the potential for an incursion.

            The Best of the Best at a price that competes favorably with any of the others. So, check it out and contact of for more information.